Choose Joy

Brain Strain and Decision Fatigue

I am sitting working on my laptop designing a flyer for a neighborhood meeting. I want it to look professional. I click into the ribbon of Microsoft word to review my fonts. I have over 200 fonts to choose from. Hmm, which one should I use? Next, I need to research a procedure my doctor wants…


I’m Here

I enjoy playing in a tennis match with Teresa as my partner. I have learned to communicate well with her, calling out “yours” and “mine” so we hopefully don’t let a ball get past us and when I see a ball being lobbed over my head I call out, “help!” What I really appreciate about…


Chiaroscuro – Gifts from Darkness

Having the hall light on and my bedroom door opened a crack helped to keep the monsters away as I fell asleep as a child. It is in the dark many of us feel anxious and unsettled. Darkness can exacerbate our fears and deepen our hurts. When suffering with depression I want to hide in…


Uncertainties and the Crèche     

Kneeling by the table, I place the angel of this beloved crèche behind Mary. Mary is reclining with the Christ child at her breast. Joseph, comforting, is close by. I reach in and position the sheep next to the shepherds, the ewes nursing their lambs. I pause imagining the cry of the babe and the…


My Book is Now Available

I am happy to announce that my book, “Living a Full and Joyful Life with Depression and Anxiety” is now available on Amazon. Search for it with the words “Elaine H. Quinn.” (There is another author by the name of Elaine Quinn, so it helps to add my middle initial “H.”) For your convenience I…


Happy Giving Season

One of my favorite responsibilities is being the C.G.O. in my family, the “Chief Giver of gifts Officer.” As the giving season commences I, like you, am beginning to think about what the perfect gift may be for those on my list. You know that feeling you get when you come up with a fabulous…

