Afros for Legos It Is Out Of The Box! - Grammy Time
It Is Out Of The Box! - Grammy Time
“Legos: 10% play, 20% following the instructions, 20% loosing the piece you need and 50% crying when you step on one.”
I thought my grandchildren would get a kick out of the Lego afro. There’s a Lego lover thinking out of the box! Speaking of, ‘out of the box,’ how do you keep track of all those teeny-weeny pieces? I am always impressed with Lego’s intricate designs, like the Star Wars star fighters set. Yet, some of the pieces are so small, that you feel like an archaeologist excavating for ruins to find one of the “bricks.” Bricks are what Lego Group Co, calls the pieces. But, you knew that already. After spending $45.00 dollars on a Star Wars Lego set, my grandson Mark was thrilled to receive it! I was thrilled to know that Lego will replace one brick! The link below will take you to the replacement web page.
Link for Lego bricks: