
Betsy Bennett Celebrating A Friend

“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.” 

I have been blessed to have Betsy in my life! Betsy is beyond question one of the nicest people I know. She is one of my best friends and has the biggest heart! Best of all Betsy believes…Betsy believes in friendships. Betsy cares about people and is not bashful, making new friends every day. Betsy believes in hugs. I love Betsy’s hugs because they are strong and long. Betsy believes in the importance of remembering things about the people in her life, calling by phone often and sincerely checking in on you and on me. Betsy nurtures friendships and treats everyone like her best friend.

Betsy believes in family. Betsy or rather B.B. loves her family, adores her grandchildren, and is a big fan of each one. She loves
to travel with T. to places like Paris and Hawaii. Although her favorite place to go is Nashville to see long time friends and family. She believes in southern living and still has a little bit of a southern drawl and lots of southern hospitality. It is befitting that Betsy is beloved my many people.

Betsy believes in surprises and presents, and is the best giver of good gifts. Betsy would never forget your birthday. Betsy believes in envelopes and stamps, sending her best wishes to many. Betsy’s notes are beautifully handwritten. She closes her letters with wishes “of blossoms from flowers, breathtaking sunsets and the cool breeze on your face.” These notes and letters from Betsy make me smile. Betsy knows how to brighten your day.

Betsy believes in fun. She enjoys going on outings and having lunch with others. Betsy believes in happiness. She loves sunshine, her cute little dog, and dancing. Betsy loves pink, red and blue. She loves purses and jewelry and smiles. She believes in laughter, her eyes twinkling when she smiles. Betsy is beautiful. After knowing Betsy you become a better person than you were before.
Betsy believes in life and even in difficult situations embraces the good. Betsy believes in taking care of herself and bravely faces each day in the best possible way. Betsy believes in people and gives everyone her very best, loving, even those who may have hurt her. Betsy says what she thinks in a big-hearted way. Betsy believes in doing the next right thing and wants to bless your life.

Betsy believes in prayer and in God. She believes that we are always “in the midst of answered prayers.” And her prayers belong to everyone. Betsy believes in miracles in her life and in the lives of others. And she expects good things to happen. Betsy bravely calls and asks for others’ prayers, knowing that the more petitions to God the better. She is willing to bear one another’s’ burdens as she serves others. I have seen Betsy’s prayers answered.

Betsy believes in the good things in life. And there is so much good inside of Betsy. Yes, I have been blessed to have Betsy in my life and have her for a friend. Betsy bursts with love for she truly believes. Betsy is the best!

Love you, Elaine

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